New renewable energy and reduced price risk
When several consumers buy electricity from the same new renewable energy plants, we refer to it as a PPA Pool. With such an agreement, you hedge the price of your electricity consumption for a longer period at a predictable price.
PPA Pool
With a PPA Pool, your company actively supplies society with new renewable energy – even if your company does not buy the full production from a new plant. We pool several companies together before reaching a critical mass, which together covers production from a newly constructed energy plant.
In recent years, developments within the wind turbine and solar power sector have accelerated rapidly. Both in terms of numbers and in terms of efficiency. This has opened up new possibilities for active participation in the green transition. The Energi Danmark Group collaborates with producers of solar panel and wind turbine plants who are ready to create new, sustainable energy to cover your energy consumption.
12 companies join forces to build a new solar park
On behalf of 12 customers, Energi Danmark has signed an agreement which means that Better Energy will build a new solar park. The PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) shows how more companies can pull together and contribute to the green transition.
Read how Energi Danmark can help companies play an active role in the green transition.
How a PPA Pool works
- The Energi Danmark Group pools several companies together to cover production from a newly constructed plant
- With the customers’ mandate, the Energi Danmark Group enters into an agreement with a producer that establishes new renewable energy to cover the electricity consumption of the pool
- The Energi Danmark Group handles contact with the producer, the electricity supply itself, as well as risk management.
- You enter into an attractive, long-term price agreement
- You future-proof your company, both in terms of price and in terms of the environment.

Why choose a PPA Pool agreement?
> New renewable energy: New sources of renewable energy are established to cover your electricity consumption,
thereby helping increase the amount of new renewable energy in society.
> Lowering your price risk:Before each year of delivery, we buy/sell any imbalance between production and consumption on a monthly basis.
This provides you with a fixed price for your monthly volume.
This adds value to the bottom line – both financially and environmentally.
Is it expensive to choose a PPA?
No, not necessarily. With the PPA agreement, you get an attractive and predictable price.
Is it difficult to enter into a PPA?
No. When you choose the Energi Danmark Group as your counterparty, we handle contact with the producer, the electricity delivery itself and risk management.
How do I get started?
It typically takes around three months from when a company contacts us until we have found a project from which you can purchase electricity. The producer will install a new renewable energy plant, after which you can buy electricity from a newly constructed solar park or wind farm.

New renewable energy and minimized risk
With the PPA, your environmentally friendly electricity originates from completely newly installed plants, constructed solely on the basis of this agreement. In addition to the agreement contributing to carbon neutrality and providing real value to your company’s CSR accounts, it can also be a strategic path to stable energy costs for many years to come.