Our advise – trust us to manage your risks
We advise companies and public sector institutions and our focus is always on value-creating cooperation with our customers. Our experienced energy risk advisors take the lead and prepare the ground for your business in the international energy markets, and we help you find the solution that that best suits your wishes and needs.
The basis for our recommendations is always a solid review of your needs, consumption pattern and risk profile and we always recommend a risk ranking based on market considerations. With their many years of experience, our energy risk advisors know the opportunities and challenges that can be found in the energy markets.
We help our customers navigate the ever-changing energy markets and create value through constructive and insightful dialogue.
Customers demand specialist knowledge
Our energy risk advisors have high levels of specialist knowledge and a high degree of professionalism within the field of energy. Their most important task is to communicate their knowledge and make the sometimes abstract world of energy more tangible for customers. Our energy risk advisors therefore constantly monitor trends in the market and always receive the latest input and analyses from our analysts and portfolio managers.
This ensures that you have the best possible basis for deciding which product is best suited to your needs and wishes.
Advice on renewable energy
The Energi Danmark Group takes responsibility for the environment and wishes to contribute to the development of renewable energy. We encourage our customers to do the same and we therefore also offer different possibilities within renewable energy.
We provide advice on how your company can contribute to the green transition. This could be done through Demand Response, where your flexibility in consumption also allows you to achieve additional earnings. You may also wish to purchase 100% new renewable energy and learn more about our PPA’s (Power Purchase Agreements). You also have the option of buying carbon emissions allowances or Environmentally Friendly Electricity from wind or hydropower, thereby focusing on the need for sustainable energy.
There are many opportunities to consider the environment by choosing the right electricity agreement for your company.
Let us help you – we are your partner in the energy market