We focus on environmentally friendly electricity and CO2 allowances as more and more companies are also focusing on minimising the emission of carbon dioxide.
Wind Energy
Energi Danmark provides environmentally friendly electricity from Danish wind turbines. By purchasing wind power, your company will get:
- Certification of environmentally friendly electricity purchased from Energi Danmark
- Individual declaration
- Certificate guaranteeing the power’s origin from Danish wind turbines.
Hydro Power
By purchasing hydro power, your company will get:
- Certification of environmentally friendly electricity purchased from Energi Danmark
- Individual declaration
- The hydro power is documented via guarantees of origin which are transferred to Energi Danmark’s RECS-account and reported to Energinet.dk.
Trading CO2 Allowances
Any company needing to buy or sell CO2 allowances can trade the them through Energi Danmark. Besides trading with CO2 allowances, we also manage purchase and sale of certified emission reduction credits as well as advising companies about the CO2 allowance scheme.
On the Nordic power exchange, Nord Pool Spot, the allowances are traded in units of 1000 tons.
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